Tough Chik Ball Cap Giveaway!

To continue my giveaways, Shannon at Tough Chik is giving me the opportunity to give away my favorite hat!! When I first saw it on the Tough Chik site, I fell in love with it. At that time, they were out of stock (understandably so!) but as soon as they were back in stock, I ordered mine. I wear it all the time. It’s comfy, it’s cute and it’s got a little attitude on the back. 😉

Here’s the Tough Chik store’s description:Tough Chik now has an answer to a bad hair day!  We all have them, so why not look cute with the Tough Chik ball cap?  The graphite colored hat features the Tough Chik logo in pink embroidery across the front and the back reads “this is what tough looks like”.
100% brushed cotton twill with 6-panels, unstructured construction. Self-fabric closure with brass buckle and grommet tuck-in.  One size fits most.

My Tough Chik hat came with me to the Rock n Roll Marathon in New Orleans.

It also got to meet Olympic great, Frank Shorter!

Here’s what you need to do to enter to win your own Tough Chik hat:

1. Become a fan of Tough Chik on Facebook and let them know I sent you. Leave a comment here with your FB name. (+2 entries)

2. Become of Slow is the New Fast on Facebook and comment here. If you’re already a fan, just let me know. (+2)

3. Follow my blog. (+2)

4. Tell me what  makes you a Tough Chik. (+3)

Optional entries:

1. Follow Tough Chik on Twitter. (+2)

2. Follow me on Twitter. (+2)

3. Announce this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter. (+3)

4. Blog about this giveaway and link back here. (+5)

That’s it! This giveaway will end on Tuesday, April 17th and I will announce the winner on Wednesday, April 18th.

Please remember to leave a separate comment for each entry and please enter only in the ways listed above. I reserve the right to delete comments not adhering to the above entry guidelines.  You must be 18+ years old & live in the USA or Canada. The winner will be notified via email and/or announcement on this blog, Facebook or Twitter. They will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen.

Good Luck!!

If you would like to sponsor a giveaway on my blog (or you know someone that does) please contact me by sending me an email to gcmjjm03 at gmail dot com.  I will always disclose whether or not the giveaway is sponsored by someone else or if it is one of my very own.


Filed under Giveaways, Reviews, Team Tough Chik

112 responses to “Tough Chik Ball Cap Giveaway!

  1. Already a fan of ToughChik on FB (Jennifer Fitzgerald Peterson)

  2. Retweeted the giveaway on Twitter (@jenpeterson96)

  3. Already a fan of Slow is the New Fast on FB (Jennifer Fitzgerald Peterson)

  4. Became a fan of Tough Chik on facebook

  5. Already a fan of yours on facebook

  6. Already a follower of the blog

  7. What makes me a touch chik? Hmmm … being a mother to two active boys. They make me want to be tougher (and better) for them.

  8. Shared the giveaway on facebook

  9. I blogged about the giveaway, too.

  10. Kayla Shaw

    Became a fan of tough chik on fb and let them know you sent me! 🙂

    Also… Being a tough chik = losing 60 lbs and keeping it off! 🙂

  11. Kayla Shaw

    Shared on facebook

  12. Kayla Shaw

    Liked your blog on Facebook as well!

  13. slieth

    I follow your blog!

  14. slieth

    I follow your blog.

  15. slieth

    I learning to be a tough chik. I did my first mud this past October at age 52!

  16. slieth

    Oops! That should be mud RUN.

  17. Amy Brown

    So excited! I already follow your blog and you on Facebook. Amy Furgess Brown I also am following Tough Chik on Facebook–I will let them know I visited because of you! I am a tough chik because I am in the process of raising FIVE BOYS; well, six if you want to count my husband, too!! I have gotten to be pretty tough, for sure! Running my first marathon on April 28, 2012 in Nashville, TN and would love to sport this new hat! 🙂

  18. Laurel C

    I follow your blog 🙂

  19. Laurel C

    I’m a fan of Tough Chik on facebook

  20. Laurel C

    I tweeted the giveaway on Twitter! @pace_of_laurel

  21. Laurel C

    I already like your facebook page!

  22. I became a fan of Tough Chik on FB and definitely let them know you sent me! 🙂

  23. Laurel C

    I’m a tough chik because I’m not afraid to roll up my sleeves, get my hands dirty, and challenge myself both physically and mentally every day!

  24. Definitely already a fan of your blog on FB.

  25. I’ve been following your blog for forever! 🙂

  26. Laurel C

    I like Tough Chik on twitter!

  27. I am a tough chik because I don’t let chronic running injuries get in the way of me accomplishing the goals I set out for myself; no matter what tries to break me down.

  28. Laurel C

    I follow you on twitter!

  29. I follow tough chik on twitter.

  30. I follow YOU on twitter.

  31. I announced your giveaway on twitter. 🙂

  32. melanie higgins

    I am a fan of Tough chik on FB and A fan of yours as well. You are my motivation for getting back to the running world!!! Thanks so much!

  33. Have been a huge fan of TC on fb

  34. I follow Slow is the New Fast on fb

  35. I’m a tough chik because I live for new challenges

  36. I shared on fb (via Running With The Girls) and on Twitter @runningwtg

  37. I follow team Tough Chik on FB!

  38. I am already following you on FB!

  39. I’m a tough chik because I pushed four babies out of my lady biz.

  40. ssoccer27

    I follow you!

  41. ssoccer27

    Follow Tough Chik on Facebook!

  42. ssoccer27

    Follow you on Facebook!

  43. ssoccer27

    Follow Tough Chik on Twitter.

  44. ssoccer27

    Follow you on Twitter!

  45. ssoccer27

    Tough is not giving up! KEEP GOIN!

  46. Annie R

    Liked Tough Chik on Facebook!

  47. Annie R

    Already a FB fan…

  48. Annie R

    Already following your blog

  49. ~K~

    i like tough chik on fb and let ’em know you sent me [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  50. ~K~

    i like Slow on fb [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  51. ~K~

    i follow your blog. runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  52. ~K~

    i’m a tough chik b/c i may be a year older than last year, but i ran the same 5k 1:44 faster to set a new pr (21:40!!) Woo hooo!!! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  53. ~K~

    i follow you on twitter [username ~K~ or runner_girl5k] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  54. ~K~

    i tweeted about the giveaway! [username ~K~ or runner_girl5k] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  55. ~K~

    i now follow tough chik on twitter [username ~K~ or runner_girl5k] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  56. therunningteacher

    I became a fan of Tough Chik on FB and let them know you sent me! -The Running Teacher

  57. therunningteacher

    Already a fan of Slow is the New Fast on FB -The Running Teacher

  58. therunningteacher

    Already follow Tough Chik on Twitter – therunningteach

  59. therunningteacher

    already Follow you on twitter- therunningteach

  60. therunningteacher

    I announced the giveaway on my page- The Running Teacher on facebook

  61. therunningteacher

    I’m a Tough Chik because I don’t quit when the going gets tough. I hit my challenges head on, whether there’s mud, rain, snow, storms, cold, heat!

  62. therunningteacher

    I just announced your giveaway on my blog!

  63. I am already a TC FB fan (Amanda Fritz Carey).

  64. I’m already a Slow is the New Fast FB fan (Amanda Fritz Carey).

  65. I follow your blog. Amanda – TooTallFritz

  66. Tammi Wimmer

    I ‘liked’ Tough Chiks on FB ( Tammi Wimmer), I’m already a fan of your site and follow your blog!

  67. Brandi

    I joined Tough Chiks on Facebook (Brandi Wirth), and I already am a fan of yours on Facebook and follow your blog.

  68. Brandi

    Fan of yours on Facebook

  69. Brandi

    Follow your blog

  70. bluedragon30

    1. Became a fan of Tough Chik on Facebook and let them that Slow is the New Fast sent me: Kim Giardina (+2 entries)

    2. Already your fan! lol (+2)

    3. Follow your blog. (+2)

    4. Tell me what makes you a Tough Chik. (+3)
    I think all women are Tough Chiks, we just show toughness in different ways. I want to keep get healthier to keep up with my family & to catch up with my favorite runners so we can do some running together!
    Kim G

  71. Glynis Jamora

    1. I became a fan of Tough Chik on FB and let them know you sent me! Glynis Wood Jamora
    2. I became your fan on FB!
    Glynis Wood Jamora
    3. I subscribed to your blog. glynis_jamora
    4. I am a mom to two teenagers and 10 small children {I run a Home Daycare} two, of which, were born on the same day {different families} in December. I strive to be healthy and set a good example. My running never gets much past slower-than-slow, but I keep plodding away!

  72. Cindy Norton Peed

    I am already a fan on fb! I’m a tough chick because I once ran & finished a 5k with a stomach bug ( didn’t know till right after) and recently ran one with a nasty cold.

  73. I already follow your blog & I follow you on Facebook & Twitter (Ara Malmstrom (Facebook) and @aratris (Twitter)). I now following Tough Chik on Twitter & Facebook as well. I tweeted about your giveaway too.

    P.S. I LOVE your blog.

  74. mindy artze

    I liked them and told them you sent me 🙂

  75. mindy artze

    I am your fan on facebook!

  76. mindy artze

    I signed up to get your emails! 🙂

  77. mindy artze

    I am tough because I know that I can survive tough emotion issues for the most part, but more than that, I know that my body can do more than I ever thought imaginable… I am a BEAST!!!

  78. ‘following’ Tough Chik on Facebook now – and following you AND Tough Chik on FB and Twitter, Laurie McReady Gibbs (Facebook) @lgibbs63 (Twitter) also following your blog and retweeted about your giveaway and shared on Facebook – and I am one ‘Tough Chik’ because I am the mother of six (6) count them six (6) boys I believe that- SEVEN countiny my husband! I am the proud mother of a Specialist in the US Army currently deployed serving in Afghanistan and I am training for the Army 10 Miler in October raising funds for Operation Homefront and I would love to sport a ‘Tough Chik’ hat! I believe this equals (16) entries Hooah!

  79. Christine G

    became a facebook fan of tough Chik and let them know I sent you. My facebook is Christine Fredrickson Guerra

  80. Christine G

    I’m already a fan of yours on facebook!

  81. Becca Surgenor Gellner

    I am now a Twitter follower of yours!

  82. Becca Surgenor Gellner

    I am now following your blog, it’s great!

  83. Becca Surgenor Gellner

    I have liked Slow is the New Fast on Facebook (Becca Surgenor Gellner)

  84. Becca Surgenor Gellner

    I am a Tough Chik follower on Facebook (Becca Surgenor Gellner)

  85. Becca Surgenor Gellner

    I am a Tough Chik because I love to run hills!

  86. Betty Harrell

    Liked tough chick on face book

  87. Betty Harrell

    I already follow slow is the new fast. I love your blog!

  88. Betty Harrell

    I am a tough chick because I am relentless. I love a challenge. I also posted on fb

  89. Betty Harrell

    Twitter follower now too. My twitter nam @BettyHarrell

  90. Birdie Galbraith

    Just started following Touch Chick on FB (Birdie Galbraith). Ran my first 5K on Sunday and now can’t wait to continue kicking butt.

  91. 1. I became a fan of Tough Chik on FB and let them know you sent me! Kristine Seguin
    2. I became your fan on FB!
    Kristine Seguin
    3. I subscribed to your blog.
    4. I followed you Twitter: randomandodd
    5. I followed Tough Chick on Twitter: randomandodd
    6. I mentioned you on FB on my “Run a 5k in 2012” Page and on my wall.
    7. I blogged about this on my Run A 5k in 2012 blog:
    8. I am tough chick because it took me 39 years to even notice that I have legs and now I am not only running my way to an ultra, I am encouraging others to join me and ‘taking it slow’ for those of the people that believe they can’t run. I am getting them started with getting them to sign up for a local 5k. I am the mother of 3 teenage girls and if that doesn’t make me tough, I don’t know what will !! 🙂

  92. Did my last comment go through?

  93. Lorna

    I liked the Tough Chick page on FB. (FB Name = Kay Lee)

  94. Lorna

    I am already a fan of yours on FB (Kay Lee)

  95. Lorna

    I also read your blog.

  96. Lorna

    What makes me a tough chick is that I think I am resilient and always try to bounce back from any bad times.

  97. Already a fan of tough chik on Facebook! Niki Ferguson

  98. Like you on Facebook…a lot! 🙂 Niki Ferguson

  99. I think I already follow your blog…will check when I’m on my computer and make sure! Can’t figure out on my phone. Niki Ferguson

  100. Already following you on twitter! @runlovebeach

  101. Already follow toughchik on twitter too! @runlovebeach

  102. Retweeted on twitter! @runlovebeach

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